TECHNOPOLE. (221) 33 879 34 34
ORANA. (221) 33 889 93 00
DNS. (221) 33 869 82 30
Confidence, tranquility, serenity, satisfaction; these are the feelings that we want to develop among individuals who use the Administration's services and who also benefit directly from our projects.
Digital technology raises the level of requirements of public service users. Today, it is clear that relations between the Administration and users have evolved significantly thanks to the implementation of technological tools.
The dematerialization of administrative procedures is being promoted to facilitate citizens' procedures. Through the platform, users can submit their requests online. In addition, the portal allows citizens to have unhindered access to quality administrative information and to better understand their rights and obligations. The portal also has tele-procedures and e-citizen spaces allowing a real dialogue to be created between the Administration and its citizens, now considered real customers...