TECHNOPOLE. (221) 33 879 34 34
ORANA. (221) 33 889 93 00
DNS. (221) 33 869 82 30
Strategy: In the beginning was the dream...
What is well designed is easily executed, which is why the strategy aspect is of the utmost importance to us. Express your needs, we will define the strategy together and support you in the implementation. Indeed, within the framework of its responsibilities, the State IT Agency participates in the design and implementation of all IT projects of the Administration in order to guarantee the overall coherence of the systems implemented. place regardless of the financing method.
State your vision, we are here to advise you. Our project office (PMO unit – Project Management Office) has qualified experts to ensure the strategic management of your projects. Our technical services will also be happy to bring you new ideas and guide you towards the latest solutions.